Monday, March 17, 2008

About This Here Blog

As I type, the threat of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's misguided budget cuts (some 4.8 BILLION dollars for K-14 education) looms. If approved, California earns the dubious distinction of placing second to last in its funding, just above Mississippi.

Mind? Boggled.

Now, more than ever, it will fall on California's public school parents to close the gap between what our schools receive from the state and what they need to provide a quality education for our children. In other words: we gotta fundraise. Though this fact may be especially true for California at the moment, parents everywhere—in both public and private institutions—dedicate time, money, and skills to support their schools.

My goal for this blog is to provide you with ideas and inspiration for your money-raising efforts. I'll be chronicling our school fundraisers—large and mini—so that you can avoid our mistakes and benefit from our successes. Keep in mind, though, that I'm no expert. I'm just a mom who has been involved, either directly or tangentially, with nearly every fundraiser at our K-5 school for the past three years. I have twin daughters currently in 2nd grade and another daughter currently in Kindergarten, so I'll be doing this for more years than I'm willing to think about at the moment.

With any luck, I'll be able to cajole guest posts from some of the other parents who work so hard to fund important programs (hello computer lab!) at our school. At the very least, I'll guilt them into leaving comments.

Speaking of comments I, like any narcissistic blogger, love them. So go ahead and leave one because the more we talk, the more we'll learn.

Thanks for stopping by.


To learn more about the proposed budget cuts, please click here

To rap the Governor's knuckles, please click here.


Jill said...

Great idea Veronica. And thanks for giving me the link to the Governor's knuckles.

ver said...

Hi Jill! Hey, our conversation yesterday gave me much fodder for this space.

You done with the Governor's knuckles yet?

Jill said...

I just rapped the governor's knuckles and asked my spouse too as well.
Hope you are having fun in the sun!